
The Corona crisis has unleashed our creativity. No breeding days, but inspections on location and the signs are there that -whilst observing all guidelines- there’s more room for organising foal inspections and IBOPs. Slowly but surely we’re trying to free ourselves from the hold Corona has taken over our (once so taken for granted) day-to-day lives.
Along with all the negative consequences this worldwide pandemic has caused and which has also hit the Friesian horse scene, there’s a strong sense of solidarity too. If there’s one thing this Corona crisis has made clear, it’s the awareness that we achieve more together than as individuals. Consultations between the various operational bodies within our society, as well as with the breeding chapters, has never before been so profound. Together we are exploring avenues to uphold the forward momentum in breeding, with everybody contributing in terms of ideas and actions. We share the same goal and in times of crisis this turns out to be even more important. Of course there is plenty of diversity within our society which we frequently like to emphasise, but these taxing times also show we’re strong in unison. In addition to being very efficient, that is also very precious.
It is an approach and a feeling we should hang on to as a studbook. Once the world functions ‘normally’ again – whenever that may be – short, powerful lines of communication make our society a lot more decisive. I have used that word before in the previous Phryso, the Corona crisis underlines the importance of it. But it will only feature on the agenda if we are all of one mind and only if all bodies are consulted and have a say in it. To stay within the context of Corona, compare it to the Corona Crisis Team. A core group from various disciplines which frequently meets up and exchanges information, vision, feelings, ideas and opinions of the rank and file. A representation of all those involved, or rather a safeguarding of interests from the full range of our Studbook,
including expertise of the highest level. It’s synergy or as described on Wikipedia: the effect of teamwork which is bigger than each of the cooperating parties could achieve on their own.
It’s actually not such a bad comparison. Except for that crisis, we’d much rather leave that behind once and for all.

Wiebe Wieling
Chairman KFPS

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